


I'm always afraid of sounding commercial when I call your attention to some things, but if I don't some of you are inevitably disappointed.

1- BACK ISSUES: While we still have a large supply of some issues--specifically #s 14 and 15 which were offered at the special price of $3. each some months ago--other issues are nearing exhaustion. #s 1 and 2 have long been out and #s 4 and 7 have recently disappeared from the shelves. But those of you who want the complete set, Ог as complete as it can be had best get with it on some of the other early ones, #s 6, 8, and 9 especially. I recently turned down a commercial order for these so that they would still be available for my readers, but you'll have to hurry.

11- CLIPSHEET: #18 the issue devoted to European trends in men's and women's styles was mentioned last time. Since this was a specialized issue and there was a lot ot other material on hand #19 was put together too. So it is now available also. Please keep on sending in the material so that I can continue to assemble future Clip- sheets.


111- "DOUBLE SWITCH": The latest of the separate stories is also called to your attention again. Since the price list in back is a made-up sheet repeated in each issue I can't add new items to it without doing the whole thing over so I must remind you of it here. Price $4.00 SNII CH#


IV- GROUP SUBSCRIPTIONS: It has come to my attention that the Group deal was overlooked in preparing the price sheet so some of you do not know what it consists of. At the time the TV TALES were introduced and the CLIP- SHEET was enlarged the cost of the annual Group Sub- scription was increased from $35.00 to $40.00. For this you get 6 issues of TVia, 12 Femme Mirrors, 4 Clipsheets and 4 TV Tales. The separate cost of all this would otherwise be $48.00 You therefore make a saving of $8. over the year.

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